Dental Implants

Dental implants are the ultimate solution for replacing missing teeth, whether one or more, for a stunning smile and calmness of mind. We want individuals to have the best options in natural-like teeth and therefore at Orion Dental & Implant Centre, we provide information about dental implants to help you make choices that are right for you. Simply call us on 02382 500 500 or book online for an appointment.
Permanent teeth replacement with dental implants
Dental implants work by insertion of a titanium post through the gum tissue into the jaw bone. The titanium post acts as a replacement tooth root that fuses with the natural bone. A dental restoration, such as a porcelain crown, is then fixed to the post abutment. The dental-implant supported tooth is permanently inserted for natural function and smile.
Stabilizing loose dentures with dental implants
People with loose dentures that shift in the mouth never look back after treatment with dental implants that secure the dentures in place. Denture-wearers can then enjoy meals, sing and communicate with others feeling confident in their person.
Anchoring dental crowns to complete a dental arch
Those having treatment with dental bridges may prefer their bridge to be secured to implant-supported crowns where few teeth are lost.
Treating tooth loss
Those suffering oral injury, gum disease or Periodontitis may lose teeth. Tooth loss should not be left untreated as further bone loss may occur. When tooth gaps exist, the remaining teeth on the dental arch attempt to compensate and start to shift out of their proper positions causing dental misalignment. Oral trauma is more likely to result because the gums of the tooth gap are exposed.
Our expressions formed by facial muscles are dependent on dental structure for support. Without a full set of teeth, facial volume may sink, giving a tired and drawn look or distorted expression. Dental implants restore teeth and smiles.